Does Medicaid Cover Blood Pressure Monitors [Get The Facts]

Over 100 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, which is one of the most serious long-term illnesses. It can lead to a heart attack, a brain aneurysm, or a stroke, and controlling your blood pressure is one of the best methods to avoid it.

Because this entails prescription medicine and blood pressure monitoring, many people ask if Medicaid will pay the expenses of blood pressure monitors.

If you were wondering the same thing, you’ve come to the correct spot since we have all of the answers in one place. This will assist you in making the most of your Medicaid resources and determining the best effective therapy for you.

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What is Medicaid?

Medicaid was established by the federal government and individual states to assist families and people in need of medical care who do not have enough money to afford the costs.

The program is open to all adults who are poor, handicapped, or sick, with a focus on children, young people under the age of 21, and pregnant women.

To be eligible for Medicaid, you must meet certain standards, which may include:

  • Income
  • Disability
  • Size of a family
  • Citizenship

Keep in mind that each Medicaid benefit might be necessary or optional, and that depending on the state you live in, certain benefits will be provided while others will not. This is why you must keep updated by visiting our website, contacting your health insurance provider, or speaking with local Medicaid staff.

Does Medicaid cover DME?

DME is an abbreviation for Durable Medical Equipment, and it is the term used in medical insurance and Medicaid to identify which gadgets may help patients and be used several times. 

This sort of equipment is not beneficial to a healthy individual, thus you will likely need a prescription from your doctor to obtain it.

DME includes:

  • Wheelchairs;
  • Ventilators;
  • Hospital beds;
  • Kidney machines;
  • Canes and crutches;
  • Walkers;
  • Oxygen;
  • Bili blankets and lights;
  • Lifts;

A blood pressure monitor is one of the products that is considered durable medical equipment, and it may be covered by Medicaid in your state, so keep reading to find out more.

Does Medicaid Cover Blood Pressure Monitors?

Yes, blood pressure monitors are funded by Medicaid in some states provided the patient meets all of the conditions. This is determined by the Medicaid rules and regulations in your state, so make sure you contact the reps to find out what you are covered for.

Blood pressure monitoring is regarded as medically vital since it is one of the most crucial things for patients. If you are in the high-risk category, you may benefit from frequent blood pressure monitoring. 

As a result, you will very certainly be covered for the monitor.

Who needs a blood pressure monitor?

Blood pressure monitors are designed to assist individuals to control their hypertension at home, however, they are not the most often used equipment in homes. According to a recent study, barely half of the people with high blood pressure have a BP monitor and utilize it regularly.

Some patients are encouraged to pay close attention to this medical equipment, such as:

  • Anyone initiating high blood pressure medication should double-check their dosage.
  • Patients who have other, comorbid diseases, such as type 2 diabetes or renal disease.
  • People who may suffer from “white-coat hypertension,” a condition in which their blood pressure is normal at home but rises when they are worried at the doctor’s office.
  • Pregnant women who exhibit symptoms of pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia.

Who is covered for the blood pressure monitors?

Blood pressure monitors can be an excellent method to keep hypertension under control, but who is covered by Medicaid for them? This is determined by the state in which you live, as well as a variety of other criteria, but in general, patients are split into two groups:

If the patient is under the age of 21, the following standards must be met:

  • Renal illnesses need drug titration daily.
  • There is a brain tumor or lesion present, which influences blood pressure.
  • The pharmaceutical regimen is altered, and blood pressure must be watched.
  • Blood pressure is influenced by cardiovascular disease.

If the patient is over the age of 21, the following standards must be met:

  • Because of renal illness, there is a large variation in blood pressure.
  • Medications are adjusted depending on regular blood pressure measurements.

Most states have these standards, but you should check with your Medicaid officials to see if they have any additional information. This allows you to acquire the monitor sooner while still being completely covered for the price.

What documentation do you need for blood pressure monitors?

When it comes to obtaining your Medicaid to fund any DME, you must supply all of the necessary papers. 

This includes the following:

  • Official diagnosis from your doctor as to why you require the blood pressure monitor;
  • A treatment plan, which may include medication;
  • If the patient is under the age, a pediatrician’s prescription is required.

The documents required may differ from state to state, since each state has the authority to govern Medicaid as they see suitable. This is why you should check with your Medicaid or health insurance provider to see whether you are qualified for a blood pressure monitor.

How to find a blood pressure monitor with Medicaid?

Finding the greatest and most effective blood pressure monitor is simple, but you must ensure that the brand and kind are covered by Medicaid. Remember that Medicaid will almost certainly cover the cheapest choice on the market.

Once you obtain a prescription from your doctor, you may contact your Medicaid agent or search online for the best BP monitor choice.

How much does a blood pressure monitor cost?

A blood pressure monitor can cost up to $200 depending on the brand and kind. While this is hardly the most costly equipment you can imagine, many low-income people will struggle to pay this price.

This is why it’s reassuring to know that Medicaid will pay the whole cost of the monitor, allowing you to regulate your hypertension for years to come.

Final Thoughts

Blood pressure (BP) monitors are one of the most convenient methods to keep your high blood pressure (hypertension) under control. This gadget is simple to use, and your doctor will be able to properly adapt your therapy.

Keep in mind that you will need certain documents, a doctor’s prescription, and other information to be qualified. This merely takes a few days, and you will be prepared for years to come, maybe preventing serious damage to your body caused by hypertension.

David Duford
Author: David Duford